Every year I am amused at the number of satsumas people around here are trying to give away, to say nothing of the lengths to which they will go to unload them. I feel for these people. I don’t know exactly how many ripe satsumas one healthy, mature, satsuma tree will...
Tiny Batch Strawberry Preserves (only three ingredients!)
Thank heavens strawberry season has arrived here on the Gulf Coast, because this is the horror I woke up to this morning: What you’re seeing is--at most--ONE English muffin’s worth of homemade strawberry preserves. Until a few years ago I was just fine with grocery...
New Pickled Shrimp
These pickled shrimp are based on an old recipe recounted by Mobile’s Eugene Walter, who, among an astonishing array of other things, wrote the southern food cookbook from Time-Life’s famed Foods of the World series. And when I say an astonishing array, I mean it. He...

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Quick and easy dinner for spring:
Apricot Pork Chops!
#foodstagram #porkchops
#springtime #apricot #yum
16 hours ago

I posted lovely, springy, Pasta al Limone on the blog a bit back, but I never got around to telling y'all about it. So here it is now! It's a good bet when you'd rather play outside on pretty evenings instead of cooking dinner.
#pasta #lemon #familydinner #familyfavorite #quickandeasymeals #quickandeasyrecipes #foodstagram #budgetmeals #kidfriendlyfood #italianfood #yum!
7 days ago

Cover easy, breezy, springtime dinner with this one-pan salmon wonder.
Lemon and Honey Mustard Sheet Pan Salmon with Vegetables
2 weeks ago

I have one more slot for the canning class on March 22nd, 10am. Only $15! Who wants it?
2 weeks ago

It's salad season! Kick it off with an easy and delicious Fried Chicken Cobb Salad!
#southernfood #southerncooking
#foodstagram #salad #friedchicken #familyfriendly ##familydinner #yum
3 weeks ago

Water Bath Canning Class!
Learn the safe and easy USDA-approved water bath canning method! Water bath canning is suitable for jams, jellies, pickles, and preserves. It requires no special equipment. We'll make and can homemade strawberry preserves start to finish in class. Class will run 2 to 3 hours.
When: Saturday, March 22nd, 10 a.m.
Cost: $15 per person
Where: Fairhope, venue TBA
Email malia@littlecoastalkitchen.com to reserve your spot!
4 weeks ago

More pasta! An oldie, but a goodie:
Seafood Stuffed Shells
#foodstagram #southernfood #southerncooking
#pasta #freshseafood
#crab #shrimp #wildcaughtseafood #shrimprecipes #familyfriendly #familyfavorite #yum
1 month ago

Still trying to get into the Carnival spirit? This will help:
Voodoo Pasta
#foodstagram #southerncooking #gulfcoastcooking #mardigras #pasta #sausage #shrimp #gulfseafood #yum
1 month ago

You know you want it.
#southernfood #southerncooking #foodstagram #foodporn #creolefood #cake #mardigras #mobilemardigras #dessert #bananas #rum #yum
2 months ago