I know that traditionally seafood and cheese combos have been considered a no-no. But, the never-pair-seafood-with-cheese rule has largely gone by the wayside, and thank goodness for that. Seafood and cheese recipes can be delicious, provided you’re using a mild...
Crab Mornay
I’ve used this Crab Mornay recipe for years. It’s one of those utterly delicious Gulf Coast favorites we’re all delighted to see at holiday parties, and thrilled to have any other time. I'm not sure where the recipe came from originally. I’ve seen it on upscale...
Deviled Crab
Those of you who grew up here on the Gulf Coast surely remember the stuffed deviled crabs in the freezer at the grocery store. They were in real crab shells, filled with a sort of mildly spicy crab dressing, individually wrapped, and cost about 50 cents each. You may...
Crab-Stuffed Potatoes
One benefit of closing the shop and coming back to the blog is that I have a really good idea of what sorts of things y’all are wanting for dinner. I’ll be sharing a number of LCK favorites in the coming weeks. As always the focus will be on affordable...
Crab Hushpuppies with Hollandaise Sauce
One afternoon last week the phone rang. My friend Kim had been driving all over three counties selling real estate and was nearby. Oddly, she had not yet had lunch. She had to wait until I’d taken a few photos, but we fixed her up for lunch, and good. It just so...
Hot Buttered Crab Claws
I like fried food just as much as the next Southerner, and growing up in Coastal Alabama, we all start liking fried seafood pretty early in life. I can remember my mother cutting up fried shrimp to put on my baby sister’s high chair tray. Fried fish had to be picked...